Update on Malia at SeaWorld Orlando
We have been hearing about Malia's illness for over a month now. Ocean Advocate News went to see her on January 6, the anniversary of...

The Irony of SeaWorld’s “Sea Cage” Propaganda
Having acknowledged that society no longer believes that killer whales thrive in captivity, SeaWorld recently announced an end to its...

SeaWorld Continues to Sink in 2nd Quarter Earnings Report
The numbers don't lie. SeaWorld's 2nd quarter earnings reported "an attendance decline due to the timing of Easter, record levels of...

New Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Against SeaWorld
Today, Hagens-Berman filed a ground-breaking class-action lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California on...

SeaWorld's New Ad Campaign, Same Tired Story
On Monday, SeaWorld launched a new ad campaign answering commonly asked questions. One question in particular that has grabbed readers’...

An Open Letter to Artists Playing at SeaWorld
UPDATED 3/16/15 I hear that you are going to be playing at SeaWorld’s Bands, Brew and BBQ this weekend. I’m sure you are aware of the...

An Introduction to Bigg's, or Transient, Killer Whales
Photo of new calf T085D by Howie Tom Bigg’s, or Transient, Killer Whales might inhabit the same waters of the Salish Sea as our...