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Washington Cetacean Bill Moves to the House

Earlier this month the Washington Senate introduced a preemptive bill to ban cetacean captivity in the state. S5666 would prohibit the capture or import of whales, dolphins and porpoises into the state.

For now, the Senate Natural Resources and Parks Committee has decided not to vote on the bill. However, Agriculture and Natural Resources Department Chair Blake in the house has introduced a “companion bill” in the House (HB2115), the exact same bill. If you live in Washington, please click on “Comment on this Bill” to show your support.

If the bill passes in the House, it will go back to the Senate Committee. Hopefully after seeing support from the House, the Senate will support S5666.

UPDATE 2/19/15

After yesterday's hearing in the House, HB2115 will move on to the House floor for a vote in the next few weeks.

Ocean Advocate News will continue to follow this developing story.

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Ocean Advocate News is a digital news magazine dedicated to reporting international and national stories relating to marine mammal conservation and captivity.  We are passionate about putting an end to cetacean captivity and protecting threatened marine life.



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